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Category: African Studies

Hot Off Penn Press: End of summer picks

Summer's winding down, but it's not quite back-to-school season yet. So if you're still looking to squeeze in a few fascinating reads on Human Rights, American History, Religious Studies, and more,… READ MORE

Bananas, Blight, and Biotechnology

Today, we have an exciting guest post from Douglas Southgate, Professor Emeritus at Ohio State University and coauthor with Lois Roberts of  Globalized Fruit, Local Entrepreneurs, which challenges the perception that multinational… READ MORE

Announcing Penn Press’s Fall 2016 catalog

Penn Press is pleased to announce the release of our Fall 2016 catalog. This season's offerings include Nicole Hemmer's Messengers of the Right: Conservative Media and the Transformation of American… READ MORE

Announcing our Fall 2015 catalog

Penn Press is pleased to announce the release of our Fall 2015 catalog. This season's offerings include Margaret O'Mara's Pivotal Tuesdays: Four Elections That Shaped the Twentieth Century; the fourth… READ MORE

Download the Spring 2015 catalog now

Penn Press is pleased to announce the release of our Spring 2015 catalog. This season, read about the rise and fall of the American department store in Vicki Howard's From… READ MORE