Category: 20th-Century History and Culture

Getting Our House in Order

Today’s post comes from Marty Cohen, Professor of Political Science at James Madison University and author of Moral Victories in the Battle for Congress: Cultural Conservatism and the House GOP,… READ MORE

Announcing Penn Press’s Spring 2021 catalog!

Exciting new titles this season include: • An Illustrated Business History of the United States by Richard Vague, a sweeping, lively, and highly approachable history of American business from the nation’s… READ MORE

Announcing Penn Press’s Fall 2020 catalog!

Exciting new titles this season include: • In Defense of Populism by Donald T. Critchlow, which argues, contrary to contemporary warnings about the dangers of populism, that grassroots activism is essential… READ MORE

Reading List: Race, policing, and protest

In the past two weeks, tragic police killings of African Americans have once again sent shockwaves through the nation and have prompted a widespread and ongoing surge of activism. These… READ MORE