This Week’s New Books–Locked In, Locked Out, Take Up Your Pen, and More

Locked In, Locked Out
Locked In, Locked Out: Gated Communities in a Puerto Rican City

Zaire Zenit Dinzey-Flores

232 pages | 6 x 9 | 19 illus.

Cloth 2013 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4513-4 | $65.00 | £42.50

A volume in the City in the Twenty-First Century series

In Locked In, Locked Out, Zaire Zenit Dinzey-Flores examines four communities in Ponce, Puerto Rico, showing how gates—in both physical and symbolic ways—distribute power, reroute movement, sustain social inequalities, and cement boundary lines of class and race. Read more . . .

Take Up Your Pen
Take Up Your Pen: Unilateral Presidential Directives in American Politics

Graham G. Dodds

304 pages | 6 x 9 | 1 illus.

Cloth 2013 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4511-0 | $69.95 | £45.50

A volume in the Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism series

Graham G. Dodds explores the constitutional and historical development of unilateral presidential directives—the ability of presidents to bypass the legislative process and set public policy via their own executive orders—and how such a practice fits Americans' conception of democracy. Read more . . .

Human Rights in the Shadow of Colonial Violence
Human Rights in the Shadow of Colonial Violence: The Wars of Independence in Kenya and Algeria

Fabian Klose. Translated by Dona Geyer

448 pages | 6 x 9

Cloth 2013 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4495-3 | $89.95 | £58.50

A volume in the Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights series

Based on previously inaccessible material from international archives, Human Rights in the Shadow of Colonial Violence examines the relationship between emerging human rights concepts after 1945 and repressive British and French actions against anticolonial movements in Africa. Read more . . .

Bound to Read
Bound to Read: Compilations, Collections, and the Making of Renaissance Literature

Jeffrey Todd Knight

288 pages | 6 x 9 | 33 illus.

Cloth 2013 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4507-3 | $59.95 | £39.00

A volume in the Material Texts series

Jeffrey Todd Knight excavates the culture of book collecting and compiling in early modern England, examining how the pervasive practice of mixing texts, authors, and genres into single bindings defined Renaissance ways of thinking and writing. Read more . . .

Multilevel Citizenship
Multilevel Citizenship

Edited by Willem Maas

288 pages | 6 x 9

Cloth 2013 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4515-8 | $65.00 | £42.50

A volume in the Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism series

Multilevel Citizenship challenges the dominant conception of citizenship as legal and political equality within a sovereign state, demonstrates how citizenship is constructed by political and legal practices, and explores alternative forms of membership in substate, suprastate, and nonstate political communities. Read more . . .

Power Sharing in Deeply Divided Places
Power Sharing in Deeply Divided Places

Edited by Joanne McEvoy and Brendan O'Leary

432 pages | 6 x 9 | 25 illus.

Cloth 2013 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4501-1 | $85.00 | £55.50

A volume in the National and Ethnic Conflict in the 21st Century series

This volume considers an array of power-sharing systems in divided cities and states, with critical evaluations of their merits and defects as well as explanations of their emergence, maintenance, and failings. Read more . . .

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