As summer arrives, much slows down, but not the flow of new books from Penn Press. This month, we saw titles in American History, Landscape Design, Politics and Human Rights, and more.
Jump to: American History | Art and Architecture | Medieval and Early Modern Studies | Politics and Human Rights | Religious Studies
Backroads Pragmatists: Mexico's Melting Pot and Civil Rights in the United States
Ruben Flores
"A tremendously ambitious book, Backroads Pragmatists is uncommonly original and broad in conceptualization and research. The emphasis on ideas and their transnational circulation makes this the most important work on Mexican American civil rights struggles in the last decade." —Benjamin Johnson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Backroads Pragmatists is the first examination of the influence of Mexican social reform on the United States. Flores illustrates how postrevolutionary Mexico's experiments in government and education shaped American race relations from the New Deal through the destruction of Jim Crow.
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360 pages | 6 x 9 | 26 illus.
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4620-9 | $45.00s | £29.50
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0989-1 | $45.00s | £29.50
A volume in the Politics and Culture in Modern America series
Gardens in the Modern Landscape: A Facsimile of the Revised 1948 Edition
Christopher Tunnard. With a new foreword by John Dixon Hunt
"A classic and seminal text that inspired a generation of students to change the world of landscape design. For architects and landscape architects alike, this book argued for a new aesthetic related to the art and times." —Laurie Olin
Accompanied by an introduction by John Dixon Hunt, this facsimile fully reproduces the 1948 edition of Gardens in the Modern Landscape, a manifesto for the modern garden that deeply influenced twentieth century landscape design.
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
208 pages | 6 x 9 | 200 illus.
Paperback | ISBN 978-0-8122-2291-3 | $34.95s | £23.00
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-9004-2 | $34.95s | £23.00
A volume in the Penn Studies in Landscape Architecture series
Crusade and Christendom: Annotated Documents in Translation from Innocent III to the Fall of Acre, 1187-1291
Edited by Jessalynn Bird, Edward Peters, and James M. Powell
"Dedicated to Powell's memory, this book is more than a fitting memorial, it is a masterpiece. . . . A monumental resource that will deservedly be consulted for decades to come." —Council for European Studies
"Far more than a sourcebook, this is an authoritative guide to the crusading movement in the crucial years between the Third Crusade and the fall of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem." —Thomas Madden, St. Louis University
"Crusade and Christendom is a revelation, a source collection that will revolutionize the teaching of the crusades. . . . An essential classroom companion." —Jay Rubenstein, University of Tennessee
Intended for the undergraduate yet also invaluable for teachers and scholars, this book illustrates how the crusade became crucial for defining and promoting the very concept and boundaries of Latin Christendom. It provides translations of and commentaries on key original sources and up-to-date bibliographic materials.
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
536 pages | 6 x 9 | 5 illus.
Paperback | ISBN 978-0-8122-2313-2 | $34.95s | £23.00
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0765-1 | $34.95s | £23.00
A volume in the Middle Ages Series
Democracy Disrupted: The Politics of Global Protest
Ivan Krastev
"Few people can question the conventional wisdom of democracy like Ivan Krastev. Democracy Disrupted is his latest and most interesting intervention." —George Soros
In Democracy Disrupted, journalist and political scientist Ivan Krastev proposes a provocative interpretation of the "Occupy" movements that have surfaced in the United States, Great Britain, and Spain, as well as the more destabilizing forms of unrest in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
88 pages | 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Paperback | ISBN 978-0-8122-2330-9 | $12.95t | £8.50
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-9074-5 | $9.95t | £6.50
How Think Tanks Shape Social Development Policies
Edited by James G. McGann, Anna Viden, and Jillian Rafferty
"As the editors of this comprehensive volume emphasize, ideas matter—but so does their relevance. That's why it's inspiring to see so many great thinkers from around the world using policy research in practical ways to solve real world problems." —Linda Frey, Executive Director, Open Government Partnership
How Thank Tanks Shape Social Development Policies examines case studies drawn from a range of political and economic systems worldwide to provide a detailed understanding of how think tanks can have an impact on issues of economic and social development.
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
384 pages | 6 x 9 | 10 illus.
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4601-8 | $65.00s | £42.50
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0962-4 | $65.00s | £42.50
Police Power and Race Riots: Urban Unrest in Paris and New York
Cathy Lisa Schneider
"In past decades, most urban unrest in Western countries has been provoked by deadly confrontations between law enforcement officers and inhabitants of disadvantaged neighborhoods belonging to minorities. Offering a transatlantic comparison and a temporal depth to events which for the most part have been studied in national contexts from an ahistorical perspective, Police Power and Race Riots proposes a novel and crucial addition to the literature on the subject, allowing for a greater understanding of the often overlooked colonial and racial dimension of iterative disturbances in France as well as the little analyzed political and social aspects of the relative calm in New York—a remarkable achievement." —Didier Fassin, author of Enforcing Order: An Ethnography of Urban Policing
Cathy Lisa Schneider looks at the relationship between racialized police violence and urban upheaval in impoverished neighborhoods of New York and greater Paris, and considers some of the changes that have made American cities less riot-prone today.
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
312 pages | 6 x 9 | 6 illus.
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4618-6 | $69.95s | £45.50
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0986-0 | $69.95s | £45.50
Intimate Enemies: Violence and Reconciliation in Peru
Kimberly Theidon
Received Honorable Mention for the 2013 Book Award for Human Rights in Latin America from the Washington Office on Latin America-Duke University Libraries and for the 2013 Eileen Basker Prize from the Society for Medical Anthropology.
Drawing on years of research in the highlands of Ayacucho, Kimberly Theidon explores how Peruvians are rebuilding individual lives and collective existence following twenty years of armed conflict. The micropolitics of reconciliation practiced there complicates the way we understand transitional justice and coexistence in the aftermath of war.
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
480 pages | 6 1/8 x 9 1/4 | 2 illus.
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4450-2 | $75.00s | £49.00
Paperback | ISBN 978-0-8122-2326-2 | $29.95s | £19.50
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0661-6 | $29.95s | £19.50
A volume in the Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights series
Translating Buddhist Medicine in Medieval China
C. Pierce Salguero
"C. Pierce Salguero skillfully uses religious studies, translation studies, and anthropology in his investigations. He provides a clear and nuanced account of the complex processes that brought Buddhist doctrines to China and enriched them with new ideas and practices. In the process he demonstrates that here, as elsewhere, 'knowledge about disease, healing, and the body is always inextricably interwoven with the social, economic, political, and personal histories of the people involved in its production and consumption." —Nathan Sivin, University of Pennsylvania
This interdisciplinary study examines the reception of Ayurvedic knowledge and other Indian medical teachings in medieval China through analysis of Buddhist texts, including translations from Indian languages as well as Chinese compositions between the second and ninth centuries.
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
256 pages | 6 x 9 | 1 illus.
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4611-7 | $55.00s | £36.00
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0969-3 | $55.00s | £36.00
A volume in the Encounters with Asia series