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Damon Linker on Progressives and the Pope

Penn Press Consulting Editor Damon Linker has sobering words for progressive Catholics. According to "Pope Francis Versus the Vatican: the Battle to Remake the Church," Linker's article for the New Republic, the newly elected pontif won't necessarily be an agent of change just because he prefers to ride a bus instead a limousine.


Coat of arms of Pope Francis

"When progressive Catholics pine for change, they mostly mean that they want to see the Church brought into conformity with the egalitarian ethos of modern liberalism, including its embrace of gay rights, sexual freedom, and gender equality. And that simply isn’t going to happen," says Linker.

Linker goes on to describe the structural and political obstacles to reform that exist within the Church.  He also places the new Pope's political statements in context.

Read the complete article at www.newrepublic.com.