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Category: LGBT Issues

Hot Off Penn Press: Summer reading

May and June have seen an array of new Penn Press titles on topics ranging from the history of workplace feminism to Islamic architecture and beyond—just in time for summer!… READ MORE

The Nature of Workplace Rights

Katherine Turk, author of Equality on Trial: Gender and Rights in the Modern American Workplace, joins us for a guest post today. The first history to foreground Title VII's sex provision,… READ MORE

Penn Press Spring 2016 Catalog

As 2015 draws to a close, we look ahead to the springtime, in more ways than one.  We are pleased to share our Spring 2016 catalog. Spring brings the first… READ MORE

Announcing our Fall 2015 catalog

Penn Press is pleased to announce the release of our Fall 2015 catalog. This season's offerings include Margaret O'Mara's Pivotal Tuesdays: Four Elections That Shaped the Twentieth Century; the fourth… READ MORE

Hot Off Penn Press: March’s New Books

Spring in Philadelphia is tentative, to say the least, but there's nothing tentative about the books we published last month! Read on to see new offerings in American History, Political… READ MORE

Download the Spring 2015 catalog now

Penn Press is pleased to announce the release of our Spring 2015 catalog. This season, read about the rise and fall of the American department store in Vicki Howard's From… READ MORE