Category: Archaeology

Major Review Weekend

Two Penn Press authors were favorably reviewed in major publications this past weekend. Ross Douthat praised Steven P. Miller in yesterday's New York Times Sunday Book Review. Douthat wrote: …it’s… READ MORE

Darwin’s Birthday

Today is the 200th anniversary of Charles Robert Darwin's birth. Here in Philadelphia, there are many ways to celebrate, including this year's Darwin Day Free Evolutionary Teach In at the… READ MORE

From Paris to Pompeii–Now Available

From Paris to Pompeii: French Romanticism and the Cultural Politics of Archaeology Göran Blix 320 pages | 6 x 9 | 16 illus. Cloth 2008 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4136-5 | $59.95… READ MORE

Digging Up Joe’s House

Richard F. Veit, associate professor of anthropology at Monmouth University, has been digging to unearth the foundations of Joseph Bonaparte's first house. Veit and his students have uncovered more than… READ MORE