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Announcing Penn Press’s Spring 2020 catalog!


Exciting new titles this season include:

  •  Bank Notes and Shinplasters by Joshua R. Greenberg, which shows how Americans accumulated and wielded monetary information in order to navigate the early republic's chaotic bank note system, before the shift to federally authorized paper money in the Civil War era.
  •  Remaking the Republic by Christopher James Bonner, which chronicles the various ways African Americans from a wide range of social positions throughout the North attempted to give meaning to American citizenship over the course of the nineteenth century.
  •  Cookbook Politics by Kennan Ferguson, which explores the sensual and political implications of cookbooks, demonstrating how they create nations, establish ideologies, shape international relations, and form communities.
  •  How To Be Depressed by George Scialabba, which collects decades of the author's own mental health records—along with an introduction, an interview, and a glossary of terms—to form an unusual, searching, and poignant hybrid of essay and memoir that strives to make sense of the baffling disease that is clinical depression.
  •  Major Decisions by Laurie Grobman and E. Michele Ramsey, which serves as an informative guide to students and parents, and argues that in order for our economy and democracy to thrive, we need more—not fewer—humanities majors.
  •  Selling Antislavery by Teresa A. Goddu, which offers a thorough case study of the role of reform movements in the rise of mass media and argues for abolition's central importance to the shaping of antebellum middle-class culture.

…and many more!

We also have new paperbacks of recent books coming soon, including Herman L. Bennett's African Kings and Black Slaves, Randy M. Browne's Surviving Slavery in the British Caribbean, Cary Cordova's The Heart of the Mission, Alastair Minnis's From Eden to Eternity, Barbara Newman's Making Love in the Twelfth Century, Kelly J. Shannon's U.S. Foreign Policy and Muslim Women’s Human Rights, and Jean-Christian Vinel's The Employee: A Political History.

Book reviewers: To request a press copy of a Penn Press book, send your name, shipping address, and the title of your publication to glamm@upenn.edu.

Educators: To request an exam copy for course use consideration, click here.