Black History Month

Black History Month

February is Black History Month, which pays tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society. To mark this occasion, Penn Press is sharing a collection of books in African American history and studies that we have released in recent years, and through the end of February we’re offering 40% off all titles in the collection, plus free shipping on orders over $40!

Browse the collection below, and use code PENN-BHM2024 at checkout to receive your discount.


Time for Reparations

Jacqueline Bhabha, Margareta Matache, Caroline Elkins

Set the World on Fire

Keisha N. Blain

Remaking the Republic

Christopher James Bonner

Pulse of the People

Lakeyta M. Bonnette

Women Healers

Susan H. Brandt

Undoing Slavery

Kathleen M. Brown

The Black Republic

Brandon R. Byrd

Force and Freedom

Kellie Carter Jackson

Fictions of Consent

Urvashi Chakravarty

The Philadelphia Negro

W. E. B. Du Bois, Elijah Anderson, Isabel Eaton

Mastering Emotions

Erin Austin Dwyer

The Silver Women

Joan Flores-Villalobos

Star Territory

Gordon Fraser

Christian Slavery

Katharine Gerbner

Selling Antislavery

Teresa A. Goddu

Revolutions and Reconstructions

Van Gosse, David Waldstreicher


Brenna Wynn Greer

A Brotherhood of Liberty

Dennis Patrick Halpin

The Alchemy of Slavery

M. Scott Heerman

Wicked Flesh

Jessica Marie Johnson

Black Elders

Frederick Knight

Black Walden

Elise Lemire

Scripts of Blackness

Noémie Ndiaye

This Is My Jail

Melanie Newport

Intimate Bonds

Jennifer L. Palmer

Beyond 1619

Paul J. Polgar, Marc H. Lerner, Jesse Cromwell

Contracting Freedom

Maria L. Quintana

Slavery in the North

Marc Howard Ross

The World That Fear Made

Jason T. Sharples

In This Land of Plenty

Benjamin Talton

Contested Bodies

Sasha Turner

Bad Blood

Emily Weissbourd

Black Metaphors

Cord J. Whitaker

University City

Laura Wolf-Powers