Contents: Conjugating the Constitution -- From Noun to Verb; & Bicentennial Blues: To Praise the Constitution or to Bury It?, both by Laurence Tribe. Essays: The Dr. Richard Penrose Memorial Lecture: Remarks on the Constitutional Celebration, by Lord Scarman. Sympos. on the U.S. Constitution: The Miracle at Phila., by Arlin Adams; Separation of Powers -- Then & Now, by Nicholas deB. Katzenbach; Reflections on the First Amendment: The Evolution of the American Jurisprudence of Free Expression, by Geoffrey Stone; The U.S. Constitution as Social Compact, by Louis Henkin; Reflections on the Supreme Court Appointment Process, by Henry Abraham. Sympos. on the Genius of the U.S. Constitution: Remarks, by Arthur Link; A More Perfect Union, by Garry Wills; Experience & the Fabrication of the Fed. Constitution, by Jack Greene; Franklin, Washington, & a New Nation, by John Shy; The Founders’ Intentions & American Perceptions of Their Living Constitution, by Michael Kammen.