Haney Foundation Titles

Dr. John Louis Haney, one-time chair of the English department at Penn, left a generous gift to Penn Press, the income from which has since 1961 been used to aid in publishing scholarly studies in English, American, and foreign literatures, modern history, sociology, economics, music, and art.

Novels in the Time of Democratic Writing

Nancy Armstrong, Leonard Tennenhouse

Between Utopia and Realism

Samantha Ashenden, Andreas Hess

Animal Characters

Bruce Thomas Boehrer

Faces of Moderation

Aurelian Craiutu

Republican Character

Donald T. Critchlow

China Hand

John Paton Davies Jr., Todd S. Purdum, Bruce Cumings

The Music of Reason

Michael Davis

Radclyffe Hall

Richard Dellamora

In the Shadow of the Gallows

Jeannine Marie DeLombard

Digging the Past

Frances E. Dolan

Discipline Problems

Tadashi Dozono


Carol Faulkner

Ellis Island Nation

Robert L. Fleegler

Decolonization and the Remaking of Christianity

Elizabeth A. Foster, Udi Greenberg, Elizabeth A. Foster, Udi Greenberg

Knowing Fictions

Barbara Fuchs

Sex Lives

Joseph Gamble

Esperanto and Its Rivals

Roberto Garvía, Roberto Garvía

God's Country

Samuel Goldman

Levinas's Politics

Annabel Herzog

The First Last Man

Eileen M. Hunt

Compassion's Edge

Katherine Ibbett


C. Stephen Jaeger

Unquiet Things

Colin Jager

Florentine Political Writings from Petrarch to Machiavelli

Mark Jurdjevic, Natasha Piano, John P. McCormick


Mark Jurdjevic, Meredith K. Ray, Meredith K. Ray


Paul Kahan

The New Political Islam

Emmanuel Karagiannis

Fateful Transitions

Daniel M. Kliman

Open Houses

Barbara Leckie

Family and Empire

Yuen-Gen Liang

The Roman Inquisition

Thomas F. Mayer

The Roman Inquisition

Thomas F. Mayer

The Psychology of Inequality

Michael Locke McLendon

Public Capitalism

Christopher McMahon

Your Whole Life

James Bernard Murphy

No Use

Thomas M. Nichols

Our Emily Dickinsons

Vivian R. Pollak

Poetical Dust

Thomas A. Prendergast

Theatrical Nation

Michael Ragussis


Roger Sanjek, Susan W. Tratner

Exquisite Mixture

Wolfram Schmidgen

Arendt's Judgment

Jonathan Peter Schwartz

The Socratic Turn

Dustin Sebell

Sites of International Memory

Glenda Sluga, Kate Darian-Smith, Madeleine Herren

Political Corruption

Robert Alan Sparling

Nuclear Country

Catherine McNicol Stock

Beyond Sectarianism

Tehseen Thaver

Frank Furness

George E. Thomas, Alan Hess

Peripheral Desires

Robert Deam Tobin

The Revolting Masses

Brendon Westler

Literature After Euclid

Matthew Wickman

Counter Jihad

Brian Glyn Williams

Corporation Nation

Robert E. Wright