Books by Penn Authors

Penn Press values our many longstanding relationships and partnerships with our home institution, the University of Pennsylvania, and we are proud to have published hundreds of books from authors based right here at Penn. Browse this collection page to explore our recent books published by Penn-affiliated scholars!

 Authors A-K | Authors L-Z

Topographical Stories

David Leatherbarrow

Exile and Return

Ann M. Lesch, Ian S. Lustick

"Hamlet" After Q1

Zachary Lesser

Getting Work

Walter Licht

Paradigm Lost

Ian S. Lustick


Aaron T. Beck M.D., Brad A. Alford Ph.D.

Divided Nations and European Integration

Tristan James Mabry, John McGarry, Margaret Moore, Brendan O'Leary

At the Source

Lynn Marsden-Atlass, André Dombrowski

From Mulberry Leaves to Silk Scrolls

Justin Thomas McDaniel, Lynn Ransom

Power Sharing in Deeply Divided Places

Joanne McEvoy, Brendan O'Leary

How Think Tanks Shape Social Development Policies

James G. McGann, Anna Viden, Jillian Rafferty

Women's Health and the World's Cities

Afaf Ibrahim Meleis, Eugenie L. Birch, Susan M. Wachter

Brothers, Sing On!

Bruce Montgomery

From Europe's East to the Middle East

Kenneth Moss, Benjamin Nathans, Taro Tsurumi

Historic Landmarks of Philadelphia

Roger W. Moss, Tom Crane


Jack H. Nagel, Rogers M. Smith

Culture Front

Benjamin Nathans, Gabriella Safran

Neighborhood and Life Chances

Harriet B. Newburger, Eugenie L. Birch, Susan M. Wachter


Michael A. Nutter

The Future of Kurdistan in Iraq

Brendan O'Leary, John McGarry, Khaled Salih

La Foce

Benedetta Origo, Morna Livingston, Laurie Olin, John Dixon Hunt

Philadelphia Trees

Paul Meyer, Edward Barnard, Catriona Bull Briger, William Cullina

Hope in a Jar

Kathy Peiss

Zoot Suit

Kathy Peiss

Dreams, Dreamers, and Visions

Ann Marie Plane, Leslie Tuttle, Anthony F. C. Wallace

Becoming Penn

John L. Puckett, Mark Lloyd

Perspectives on Fair Housing

Vincent J. Reina, Wendell E. Pritchett, Susan M. Wachter, Marc Morial

Trade, Land, Power

Daniel K. Richter

Public Discourse in America

Judith Rodin, Stephen P. Steinberg

Capturing Campaign Dynamics, 2000 and 2004

Daniel Romer, Kate Kenski, Kenneth Winneg, Christopher Adasiewicz, Kathleen Hall Jamieson

Democracy and Truth

Sophia Rosenfeld

Cultural Intermediaries

David B. Ruderman, Giuseppe Veltri

Connecting the Covenants

David B. Ruderman

Connecting Histories

David B. Ruderman, Francesca Bregoli


Witold Rybczynski, Laurie Olin, Steven Brooke


Eric C. Schneider

The Ecology of Homicide

Eric C. Schneider

The Changing Terrain of Religious Freedom

Heather J. Sharkey, Jeffrey Edward Green

The Essential Dürer

Larry Silver, Jeffrey Chipps Smith

Modern Constitutions

Rogers M. Smith, Richard R. Beeman

Early Modern Aristotle

Eva Del Soldato

Fictions of Well-Being

Michael Solomon

The American Revolution Reborn

Patrick Spero, Michael Zuckerman

Medieval Robots

E. R. Truitt

Gardens in the Modern Landscape

Christopher Tunnard, John Dixon Hunt

Revitalizing American Cities

Susan M. Wachter, Kimberly A. Zeuli

The American Mortgage System

Susan M. Wachter, Marvin M. Smith

Principles of Housing Finance Reform

Susan M. Wachter, Joseph Tracy

An Inner World

Lara Yeager-Crasselt, Shira Brisman, Eric Jorink