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Wonderful Blood–Now in Paperback

Wonderful Blood: Theology and Practice in Late Medieval Northern Germany and Beyond

Caroline Walker Bynum

456 pages | 6 1/8 x 9 1/4 | 34 illus.

Cloth 2006 | ISBN 978-0-8122-3985-0 | $49.95 | £32.50

Paper 2007 | ISBN 978-0-8122-2019-3 | $24.95 | £16.50

A volume in the Middle Ages Series

Wonderful BloodRecipient of the 2007 Award for Excellence in the Historical Study of Religion from the American Academy of Religion

"For three decades now, Bynum has been pivotal in drawing the attention even of nonspecialists to some of the overlooked, sophisticated conceptions that late medieval piety developed of personal identity, death, redemption, gender, asceticism, and the body. She now zooms in on and brilliantly illuminates the equally complex and equally crucial issue of blood. . . . Her empathy with medieval Christians has allowed her to put her finger on one of their key concerns, and Wonderful Blood should refocus the study of late medieval piety once more."–Times Literary Supplement

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