The Ties That Buy–Now in Paperback

The Ties That Buy: Women and Commerce in Revolutionary America
Ellen Hartigan-O'Connor
264 pages | 6 x 9 | 18 illus.
Cloth 2009 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4144-0 | $39.95 | £26.00
Paper 2011 | ISBN 978-0-8122-2159-6 | $19.95 | £13.00
A volume in the Early American Studies series

The Ties That Buy""This fascinating and well-researched book challenges our assumptions at every turn. Because Hartigan-O'Connor shifts our focus from the countryside to the city, she forces historians to rethink their fundamental precepts concerning the 'capitalist transformation.' . . . This is a book that all scholars of the early Republic–whether or not they focus on issues of gender–will ignore at their own peril."–Eighteenth-Century Studies

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