The Making of a Mediterranean Emirate: Ifrīqiya and Its Andalusis, 1200-1400
Ramzi Rouighi
248 pages | 6 x 9 | 3 maps
Cloth 2011 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4310-9 | $55.00 | £36.00
A volume in the Middle Ages Series
"This book is a much needed contribution to an understudied field. The use of narrative histories as source material is where Rouighi's remarkable talents as a historian emerge. He demonstrates that by asking the right questions, one can write social and economic history using sources focused on other agendas. Not only does he painstakingly extract information on land tenure, commerce, commodities, and rural life that the chronicles almost never address directly, he also explains the historical contexts in which the sources themselves came into being and what kinds of biases are embedded in them. Herein lies one of this book's major contributions: its simultaneous treatment of history and historiography."–Marina Rustow, Johns Hopkins University
This book argues that between 1200 and 1400 Ifrīqiya was not an economic or political region. It shows how Emirism, a political ideology that emerged at the end of the fourteenth century, led both medieval sources and modern historians to imagine Ifrīqiya as a region.
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