Hurricane Isaac shut down the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, but Isaac can't stop you from saving on Penn Press political science books.
We're offering a special 35% discount on what would have been on display at APSA 2012 in New Orleans. The books listed below are just a small sample. Please visit our APSA 2012 sale page for the complete list of titles.
China Hand: An Autobiography
John Paton Davies, Jr. Foreword by Todd S. Purdum. Epilogue by Bruce Cumings
376 pages | 6 x 9 | 16 illus.
Cloth 2012 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4401-4
A volume in the Haney Foundation Series
The Color Revolutions
Lincoln A. Mitchell
256 pages | 6 x 9
Cloth 2012 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4417-5
Moral Minority: The Evangelical Left in an Age of Conservatism
David R. Swartz
376 pages | 6 x 9 | 25 illus.
Cloth Oct 2012 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4441-0
American Marriage: A Political Institution
Priscilla Yamin
224 pages | 6 x 9
Cloth 2012 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4424-3