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Smart, Coherent, Disciplined and Troubling: The Washington Post review of Chertoff’s Homeland Security

Edward Alden reviewed Michael Chertoff's Homeland Security: Assessing the First Five Years and Tom Ridge's The Test of our Times in yesterday's Washington Post. Both Chertoff and Ridge served as Secretary of Homeland Security during the George W. Bush administration. "Michael Chertoff, the tough Justice Department prosecutor who succeeded
Ridge in 2005, has written a book that is smart, coherent and
disciplined, much like the successful reorganization he oversaw at the
agency," wrote Aldern. Alden followed his praise with concerns over Chertoff's proposals, saying that "Chertoff's conclusions about how the United States should deal with the
new security threats are more troubling than Ridge's because Chertoff
would place far fewer limits on the exercise of state power in the name
of fighting terrorism."

The complete review is available at The Washington Post website.