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Press Senior Editor Jerry Singerman wins Robert L. Kindrick–CARA Award for Outstanding Service to Medieval Studies

523273_359124824140439_1333186412_aThis past weekend, at the annual meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, Penn Press senior editor Jerry Singerman received the Robert L. Kindrick–CARA Award for Outstanding Service to Medieval Studies. He is the first publisher to be so recognized.

The award "recognizes Medieval Academy members who have provided leadership in developing, organizing, promoting, and sponsoring medieval studies through the extensive administrative work that is so crucial to the health of medieval studies but that often goes unrecognized by the profession at large."

Here is the citation as read on the occasion:

"The CARA / Kindrick Award goes this year to Jerry Singerman, Senior Editor at the University of Pennsylvania Press.  Our committee was struck by both the number and variety of commendatory letters written on Jerry's behalf, each praising a different set of skills he possesses.  For the authors among the group it is his encouraging openness, his encyclopedic memory of past conversations about scholarly projects, his support and expert commentary.  To his colleagues at the Press it is the size of his achievement, taking the medieval list from fifty to nearly three hundred titles, every one supported by an impeccable docket expertly argued and articulated.  His readers' reports are invariably among the most detailed, searching and valuable, according to his colleagues, and his results as measured by the number of Haskins and Gründler prizes 'his' books have won speak for themselves.  And last but not least, we of CARA on behalf of the community of medievalists, want this award to speak a viva voce word of thanks for work that is too often overlooked and unappreciated, but whose results will live far longer than any of us here today."

We here at the Press could not be prouder of Jerry and the work he has done and will continue to do. Congratulations, Jerry!