Peasant Scenes and Landscapes: The Rise of Pictorial Genres in the Antwerp Art Market
Larry Silver
392 pages | 7 x 10 | 152 illus.
Paper 2012 | ISBN 978-0-8122-2211-1 | $32.50 | £21.50
Winner of the 2007 Roland H. Bainton Prize in Art and Music from the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference
Selected by Choice magazine as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2006
"Encompassing a complex and varied set of methodologies, economic histories of the arts have framed compelling new questions around the activities of artists, patrons, and dealers as cultural agents that tend to locate meaning in behavior rather than visuality. Larry Silver's entrée into the field not only builds on his own earlier explorations but also significantly reorients the kinds of questions asked and, by extension, the nature of the answers derived from the study of markets."–CAA Reviews
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