Paying the Toll: Local Power, Regional Politics, and the Golden Gate Bridge
Louise Nelson Dyble
312 pages | 6 x 9 | 29 illus.
Cloth 2009 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4147-1 | $39.95 | £26.00
A volume in the American Business, Politics, and Society series
"In this magnificent gem of a book, Louise Nelson Dyble takes the reader from the dark corners of avaricious public officialdom and smoke-filled rooms to the bright vistas and architectural wonder of the Golden Gate Bridge itself. At once steward of the public interest, notorious bureaucracy, and gateway to northern California, the Bridge and Highway District emerges in Dyble's telling as the center of a multilayered history of the state. The bridge and its legacy have found their historian."–Robert O. Self, Brown University
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