Old Worlds, New Mirrors: On Jewish Mysticism and Twentieth-Century Thought
Moshe Idel
336 pages | 6 x 9
Cloth 2009 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4130-3 | $59.95 | £39.00
Paper 2012 | ISBN 978-0-8122-2210-4 | $26.50 | £17.50
A volume in the Jewish Culture and Contexts series
"A brilliant and often illuminating exposition and critique of the role that Jewish mysticism has played in much of twentieth-century Western thought. Idel uncovers the many ways in which external sources, rather than traditional texts and practices, have informed accounts of Jewish mysticism."–Jewish Review of Books
In Old Worlds, New Mirrors Moshe Idel turns his gaze on figures as diverse as Walter Benjamin and Jacques Derrida, Franz Kafka and Franz Rosenzweig, Arnaldo Momigliano and Paul Celan, Abraham Heschel and George Steiner to reflect on their relationships to Judaism in a cosmopolitan, mostly European, context. Read more . .
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