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Now in Paperback–Peace and Freedom

Peace and Freedom: The Civil Rights and Antiwar Movements in the 1960s
Simon Hall
280 pages | 6 x 9
Cloth 2004 | ISBN 0-8122-3839-7 | $45.00s | £29.50
Paper 2006 | ISBN 0-8122-1975-9 | $22.50s | £15.00

"Hall’s original and stimulating Peace and Freedom points out that the extreme fringes of the antiwar movement hurt the effort to end the war sooner."—History News Network

"In Tocquevillian fashion, [Hall] offers his own ‘outsider looking in’ perspective. This is a work all serious students of the 1960s . . . should consult."—Peace and Change

For review copies, contact Ellen Trachtenberg at ellenpt AT pobox DOT upenn DOT edu.