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Now in Paperback–The Future of Kurdistan in Iraq

The Future of Kurdistan in Iraq
Brendan O’Leary, John McGarry, and Khaled Salih, Editors
384 pages | 6 1/8 x 9 1/4 | 17 maps
Cloth 2005 | ISBN 0-8122-3870-2 | $45.00s | £29.50
Paper 2006 | ISBN 0-8122-1973-2 | $26.50s | £17.50

The Future of Kurdistan in Iraq

The Future of Kurdistan in Iraq appraises the consequences of the US-led intervention in Iraq for its most neglected region.

"Adds up to a strong pitch for a viable Kurdistan within an Iraq federal state–or even an independent Kurdistan if the several contending forces in Iraq will not accept federalism. Much has happened since mid-2004 when this book went to press [but] the analysis and prescription presented here remain relevant."–Foreign Affairs

For review copies, contact Ellen Trachtenberg at ellenpt AT pobox DOT upenn DOT edu.