April showers bring new May books! These are the titles that have appeared in our warehouse this month. Many are quite interdisciplinary and span multiple categories, so have a look at them all.
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Black Cosmopolitanism: Racial Consciousness and Transnational Identity in the Nineteenth-Century Americas
Ifeoma Kiddoe Nwankwo
"Black Cosmopolitanism seeks to tell a story about the complex hemispheric context in which multiple public discourses of blackness emerged in the work of black intellectuals, writing and publishing throughout a nineteenth century shaped by the cataclysmic impact of the Haitian revolution . . . [The book reflects] the richness of new pathways in a hemispheric American studies, moving outward to explore philosophies of race and histories of racial identity that traveled back and forth between colonial and imperial worlds." —American Literature
Through readings of slave narratives, fiction, poetry, nonfiction, newspaper editorials, and government documents including texts by Frederick Douglass and freed West Indian slave Mary Prince, Ifeoma Kiddoe Nwankwo explicates the growing interrelatedness of people of African descent through the Americas in the nineteenth century.
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304 pages | 6 x 9
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-3878-5 | $65.00s | £42.50
Paperback | ISBN 978-0-8122-2323-1 | $24.95s | £16.50
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-9063-9 | $24.95s | £16.50
A volume in the Rethinking the Americas series
Excavations at Gilund: The Artifacts and Other Studies
Edited by Vasant Shinde, Teresa P. Raczek, and Gregory L. Possehl
Excavations at Gilund provides a full analysis of the artifacts recovered during the five-year excavation conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and Deccan College. Their findings shed light on the extent and nature of early trade networks, the rise of early complex societies, and the symbolic and ideological beliefs of this region.
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272 pages | 8 1/2 x 11 | 427 illus.
Hardcover | ISBN 978-1-934536-66-7 | $99.95s | £65.00
Ebook | ISBN 978-1-934536-67-4 | $99.95s | £65.00
Distributed for the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Migrant Youth, Transnational Families, and the State: Care and Contested Interests
Lauren Heidbrink
"This timely study shows the contradictions and complexities of the way children are treated under both immigration and family law, giving serious attention to their agency, and bringing their voices to life." —Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, University of California, Los Angeles
In this ground-breaking ethnography, anthropologist Lauren Heidbrink deconstructs the "problem" of migrant children, examining the historical, political, and institutional roots of contemporary immigration policies and the experiences of the migrant children who navigate this legal and emotional terrain.
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208 pages | 6 x 9 | 4 illus.
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4604-9 | $49.95s | £32.50
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0967-9 | $49.95s | £32.50
A volume in the Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights series
Along the Bolivian Highway: Social Mobility and Political Culture in a New Middle Class
Miriam Shakow
"Shakow has produced a fascinating and beautifully written ethnography that explores the question: 'What might postneoliberalism look like?' In her portrayal of upwardly mobile urban indigenous Bolivians, out go polarized constructions of the social categories class and ethnicity. Instead we see an indigenous middle class dynamically shaped by effects of the coca boom, free-market government reforms, and different interpretations of Evo Morales's state socialism. Shakow shows us the work world of this heterogeneous labor force and their debates about social transformation, clientelism, and commitments to new sorts of collective action. This is a pathbreaking, theoretically sophisticated ethnography that is an exciting, very accessible read." —Kay Warren, Brown University
This book narrates the unexpected dilemmas middle-class Bolivians have faced following the coming to power of a left-wing, indigenous movement. Shakow argues that new middle classes in Bolivia, as elsewhere in the Third World, constitute a significant force that profoundly shapes politics and social life.
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
272 pages | 6 x 9 | 8 illus.
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4614-8 | $65.00s | £42.50
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0982-2 | $65.00s | £42.50
A volume in the Contemporary Ethnography series
Amnesties, Accountability, and Human Rights
Renée Jeffery
"In this unique contribution to the study of transitional justice, Renée Jeffery explores how and why amnesties remain popular despite the global push for human rights trials. She argues that they adapt to particular political moments and corresponding goals of democratic transition, truth, peace, and self-determination. Combining analysis of cross-national data on amnesties and historical comparative patterns, Jeffrey delivers new insights into the politics and persistence of amnesties." —Leigh Payne, University of Oxford
Drawing on more than 700 amnesties instituted between 1970 and 2005, Renée Jeffery maps out significant trends in the use of amnesty and offers a historical account of how both the use and the perception of amnesty has changed.
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
312 pages | 6 x 9 | 7 illus.
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4589-9 | $65.00s | £42.50
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0941-9 | $65.00s | £42.50
A volume in the Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights series
Becoming Bureaucrats: Socialization at the Front Lines of Government Service
Zachary W. Oberfield
"A strong contribution to the literature on public service provision and bureaucratic politics. Oberfield's unique combination of qualitative and quantitative evidence about the acculturation of police officers and social workers into their respective organizations makes this an excellent work." —John Brehm, University of Chicago
Becoming Bureaucrats investigates the identities and motivations of two sets of public servants: police officers and welfare caseworkers. The book argues that who bureaucrats become and how bureaucracies function depends strongly on patterns of self-selection and recruitment.
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
248 pages | 6 x 9 | 33 illus.
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4616-2 | $59.95s | £39.00
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0984-6 | $59.95s | £39.00
A volume in the American Governance: Politics, Policy, and Public Law series
How to Accept German Reparations
Susan Slyomovics
"This remarkable book is a deeply anthropological study of a problem that reaches back into the author's own familial past and connects it with an astonishing but entirely persuasive array of themes, including agency, victimhood, nationalism, racism, and religion. Slyomovics's measured, graceful prose undoes the false simplicities of attributing right and wrong—locating the book securely at the heart of what social anthropology is all about." —Michael Herzfeld, Harvard University
Susan Slyomovics examines the implications of German reparations after World War II, working through the lens of anthropological and human rights discourse, as well as through the lives of Holocaust survivors in her own family. What does it mean for individual suffering to be monetized?
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
384 pages | 6 x 9 | 18 illus.
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4606-3 | $69.95s | £45.50
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0965-5 | $69.95s | £45.50
A volume in the Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights series
The Anti-Slavery Project: From the Slave Trade to Human Trafficking
Joel Quirk
"The current anti-slavery movement labours under a delusion. The popular notion that some new and monstrous mutation burst upon the world at the end of the twentieth century serves no one well, least of all those in slavery. This original and insightful book helps us to see slavery clearly, both in the past and today. It is very difficult to solve a problem you do not understand, and more so if the problem is called by a different name every generation. The Anti-Slavery Project offers invaluable assistance to modern abolitionists and scholars along the lines of Einstein's dictum: 'Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.'" —Kevin Bales, President of Free the Slaves
Historian and human rights scholar Joel Quirk examines the evolution of political opposition to slavery from the mid-eighteenth century to the present day. He offers an original diagnosis of the underlying causes driving one of the most pressing human rights problems in the world today.
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344 pages | 6 x 9
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4333-8 | $65.00s | £42.50
Paperback | ISBN 978-0-8122-2324-8 | $29.95s | £19.50
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0564-0 | $29.95s | £19.50
A volume in the Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights series
David S. Powers
"Zayd is philologically rigorous and exhibits a sophisticated understanding of the complicated intertwinings of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim literary works." —John C. Reeves, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
"The discovery of linkages between biblical texts and Islamic sources stands at the frontier of the study of early Islam today, and Powers contributes a remarkably interesting biography of Zayd in this direction." —Tayeb El-Hibri, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
In Zayd, David S. Powers restores Muhammad's adopted son to his place at the center of the Islamic foundation narrative, arguing that Zayd is modeled on earlier biblical figures to address ideas about legitimate succession and the theological doctrine of the finality of prophecy.
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
224 pages | 6 x 9
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4617-9 | $55.00s | £36.00
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0995-2 | $55.00s | £36.00
A volume in the Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion series
Convention Center Follies: Politics, Power, and Public Investment in American Cities
Heywood T. Sanders
"In Convention Center Follies, Heywood Sanders deflates overblown claims that convention centers will contribute to urban economic development and explains why city leaders so easily succumb to these claims. This carefully researched and clearly argued book is an exceptionally important contribution to the study of urban redevelopment and the politics of policy making." —Susan S. Fainstein, author of Policy, Planning, and People: Promoting Justice in Urban Development
Written by one of the nation's foremost urban development experts, Convention Center Follies exposes the inner workings of America's convention center boom through case studies of Chicago, Atlanta, and St. Louis.
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
528 pages | 6 x 9 | 3 illus.
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4577-6 | $59.95s | £39.00
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0930-3 | $59.95s | £39.00
A volume in the American Business, Politics, and Society series
Public Education Under Siege
Michael B. Katz and Mike Rose, Editors
"An outstanding book . . . full of riches." —Daily Kos
"Most of the fire in the national debate over school reform has come from those in favor of high-stakes testing of students, charter schools, and weakening of teachers' unions—until now. The very timely essays in Public Education Under Siege challenge the assumptions and goals of the so-called school reform movement. If you want to understand why the movement will not bring serious change to the schools that need it most and may even make things worse, read this book. This is an extraordinarily valuable contribution to the national debate." —Michael K. Brown, Race, Money and the American Welfare State
Public Education Under Siege argues for a democratic and egalitarian alternative to the test-driven, market-oriented core of current education reform. These short, jargon-free essays cover public policy, teacher unions, economic inequality, race, language diversity, parent involvement, and leadership.
Full Description, Table of Contents, and More
256 pages | 6 x 9
Hardcover | ISBN 978-0-8122-4527-1 | $55.00s | £36.00
Paperback | ISBN 978-0-8122-2320-0 | $19.95s | £13.00
Ebook | ISBN 978-0-8122-0832-0 | $19.95s | £13.00