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Lemire on Walden Pond as a Black Space, not just a Green Space

"Although it doesn’t yet bill itself as such,
Walden Pond State Reservation is an important African-American heritage
site.  It speaks to the segregation imposed in slavery’s wake and the
survival of African and African-American ways of living." says Elise Lemire in an essay for the History News Network web site. Lemire, author of Black Walden: Slavery and Its Aftermath in Concord, Massachusetts, discusses how Walden Pond State Reservation in Concord, Massachusetts can acknowledge the history of its African and African American former inhabitants. "With the
addition of signage marking the former slaves’ cellar holes and
interpretive literature charting the rise and fall of what Thoreau
rightly calls a 'small village,visitors could learn about New England
slavery and its aftermath while experiencing a better approximation of
the landscape Thoreau loved."

Read Lemire's essay at HNN.us.