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Forthcoming Fall 2010 Books

The Penn Press catalog of books for fall 2010 is now available in print and online. In the coming season Penn Press will continue to publish scholarly and general interest titles in the social sciences and the humanities, written by leading scholars and international figures.

In From Dictatorship to Democracy, Hamid al-Bayati, the current Iraqi ambassador to the United Nations, shares recollections and information from his personal archives on key meetings preceding the U. S. invasion of Iraq. Top economic thinkers such as Richard A. Posner, Vernon L. Smith, and Joseph E. Stigliz take a deeper look at the great recession in What Caused the Financial Crisis, while Not in This Family: Gays and the Meaning of Kinship in Postwar North America examines shifts of a more personal and cultural nature.

Speaking of personal takes, literary critic Stanley Fish turns his attention to a small screen favorite with The Fugitive in Flight: Faith, Liberalism, and the Law in a Classic TV Show. In Of Gardens, Paula Deitz takes readers on journeys through the world's architectural landscapes. Eminent book historian Elizabeth L. Eisenstein discusses changing attitudes about print in Divine Art, Infernal Machine: The Reception of Printing in the West from First Impressions to the Sense of an Ending. Anne Trubek questions the fascination with famous authors' homes in A Skeptic's Guide to Writers' Houses. And Changing Is Not Vanishing: A Collection of American Indian Poetry to 1930 introduces many lesser known writers to the world.

Order and Chivalry: Knighthood and Citizenship in Late Medieval Castile by Jesús D. Rodriguez-Velasco, The Queen's Library: Image-Making at the Court of Anne of Brittany, 1477-1514 by Cynthia J. Brown, and Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages by Stephen A. Mitchell are a few of the new books that the Press will add to its prodigious list of studies on medieval and Renaissance Europe.
In addition Medieval Italy: Texts in Translation, edited by Katherine L. Jansen, Joanna Drell, and Frances Andrews, will be released in paperback.

The complete list of fall 2010 books–including new ethnographies, human rights books, works in religious studies, studio arts handbooks, and publications from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology–is available at www.pennpress.org. To download a PDF of the fall 2010 catalog, click here.