Every month, Paul Chase in the Penn Press Journals department invites our blog readers to download a complimentary article from one of our many scholarly journals.
Paul's pick for November is "Some Rights Are More Equal than Others: The Third World and the Transformation of Economic and Social Rights" by Roland Burke, author of Decolonization and the Evolution of International Human Rights. The article appears in Winter 2012 issue of Humanity.
Donofrio writes:
This essay will examine the impact of the Third World on the development and
subsequent reprioritization of economic and social rights. Between the 1940s and the late 1970s, these rights became an established feature of the international human rights order. While the Cold War division on human rights politics was often conceptualized as a struggle over the status of social rights in relation to traditional civil and political freedoms, there was significant support for economic and social rights from the Western democracies.
Click here to download this free article and learn more about Humanity, an international journal of human rights, humanitarianism, and development.
Check the Penn Press Log in February for Paul's next pick.