English Letters and Indian Literacies: Reading, Writing, and New England Missionary Schools, 1750-1830
Hilary E. Wyss
272 pages | 6 x 9 | 7 illus.
Cloth 2012 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4413-7 | $59.95 | £39.00
A volume in the Haney Foundation Series
"English Letters and Indian Literacies promises to advance our understanding of the encounter between American Indians and Protestant English missionaries significantly. It deserves much attention from scholars in religion, literature, and history focused on the colonial period, Native responses to contact, the history of education, and literacy studies."–Laura M. Stevens, University of Tulsa
Focusing on boarding schools established by New England missionaries, English Letters and Indian Literacies explores the ways Native students negotiated the variety of pedagogical practices and technologies of literacy and managed those technologies for their own ends. Read more . . .
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