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Education is Translation–Now in Paperback

Education Is Translation: A Metaphor for Change in Learning and Teaching

Alison Cook-Sather

224 pages | 6 x 9

Cloth 2005 | ISBN 978-0-8122-3889-1 | $59.95 | £39.00

Paper 2010 | ISBN 978-0-8122-2128-2 | $24.95 | £16.50

Education Is Translation"This book provides an intriguing and reflective analysis of its subject
at a time when many individuals seem to have confused learning of the
most narrow, technical, and superficial sort with true
education."—Margaret Smith Crocco, Teachers College, Columbia University

Through an unusual weaving not only of disciplinary but also of personal and academic, poetic, and analytical perspectives, Alison Cook-Sather argues that education can be understood as a process of translation through which every learner is both the translator and the subject of her own translation. Read more . . .

Book reviewers: to request a press copy, contact Ellen Trachtenberg.

Educators: to request an exam copy for course use consideration, click here.