Brian Glyn Williams, historian, military advisor, and author of Afghanistan Declassified: A Guide to America's Longest War, recently spoke on the future of that central Asian country and the possible consequences of U.S. troop reduction. Here's a quote from his interview with Providence Business News.
PBN: In the U.S., do you think Afghanistan has been misrepresented or just under represented?
WILLIAMS: Both. I think Afghanistan has been the forgotten war. In many ways these troops considered Iraq to be a distraction from the real war against al-Qaida. The misrepresentation is you get dilettantes saying how they, the Afghans, all want us out of the country. In reality, it is a multiethnic country and most of the groups have blood feuds with the Taliban. I traveled everywhere and most of what I heard is: “Don’t leave.”
The full article is available at