Category: Web/Tech

Announcing Penn Press’s Fall 2016 catalog

Penn Press is pleased to announce the release of our Fall 2016 catalog. This season's offerings include Nicole Hemmer's Messengers of the Right: Conservative Media and the Transformation of American… READ MORE

Public Culture–Now in Paperback

Public Culture: Diversity, Democracy, and Community in the United States Edited by Marguerite S. Shaffer 392 pages | 6 x 9 | 34 illus. Cloth 2008 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4081-8 |… READ MORE

Penn Press at the AAUP Annual Meeting

The 2010 annual meeting of the Association of American University Presses (AAUP) has come and gone, but it has left the scholarly press community with much to think about. With… READ MORE

Press Director Eric Halpern on eBook Developments

Ebooks. Talk of them seems to fill the media these days. While prognosticators in the past have made many wild-eyed claims for ebooks that never became reality, ebook sales now constitute a rapidly growing share of books sold. In today’s more promising ebook environment, we are exploring opportunities to reach new readers in the digital realm.