A Seasonal Medieval Tajine
It was also relatively easy to assemble and prepare using ingredients that were local and seasonal in Philadelphia—a wonderful find for a recipe that was invented in another century across the globe!
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It was also relatively easy to assemble and prepare using ingredients that were local and seasonal in Philadelphia—a wonderful find for a recipe that was invented in another century across the globe!
“To accept usury for the loan of money is in itself unjust; because this is selling what does not exist, and must obviously give rise to inequality, which is contrary to justice,” he wrote in Summa Theologica.
This excerpt from Crusade and Christendom: Annotated Documents in Translation from Innocent III to the Fall of Acre, 1187-1291, edited by Jessalynn Bird, Edward Peters, and James M. Powell, features… READ MORE
Lost Letters of Medieval Life: English Society, 1200-1250 just arrived in the Penn Press warehouse. Translated from Latin by the editors Martha Carlin and David Crouch, this collection of correspondence… READ MORE
from The Secret of the Kells Pangur Ban, the cat from the acclaimed animated film The Secret of the Kells, has an interesting lineage. The feline character was taken… READ MORE
Spaniards in town came from different regions of the Peninsula, including Andalusia, the Basque country, Castile, and Extremadura. Among them, a Portuguese migrant could settle, marry a local mestiza, and have a castizo son (strictly speaking, the offspring of Spanish and mestizo parents); that son would eventually marry a mestiza and expect his share of the Indian service to which Spanish landowners were entitled. By the 1570s, the casta system developed by Spanish authorities to establish a clear racial hierarchy was only beginning to take shape. Yet life in a small community like that of Tecamachalco could breed a familiarity that often wrested importance from those racial differences.
Those in search of simple, old fashioned models of love and marriage might be disappointed by some of the realities of medieval coupling. “Tradition is always invented,” says Karras, who reminds us that the traditional marriage that people in the twenty-first century have invented for themselves is not really that similar to the state of matrimony in the Middle Ages.