Women of Fes–Now Available
Women of Fes: Ambiguities of Urban Life in Morocco Rachel Newcomb 248 pages | 6 x 9 | 7 illus. Cloth 2008 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4124-2 | $49.95 | £32.50 A… READ MORE
Women of Fes: Ambiguities of Urban Life in Morocco Rachel Newcomb 248 pages | 6 x 9 | 7 illus. Cloth 2008 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4124-2 | $49.95 | £32.50 A… READ MORE
Human Rights NGOs in East Africa: Political and Normative Tensions Edited by Makau Mutua 400 pages | 6 x 9 | 1 illus. Cloth 2008 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4112-9 | $79.95… READ MORE
The Dynamics of Violence in Central Africa René Lemarchand 344 pages | 6 x 9 | 10 illus. Cloth 2008 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4120-4 | $59.95 | £39.00 A volume in… READ MORE
Human Rights: A Political and Cultural Critique Makau Mutua 256 pages | 6 1/8 x 9 1/4 Cloth 2002 | ISBN 978-0-8122-3653-8 | $59.95 | £39.00 Paper 2008 | ISBN… READ MORE
Liberia: The Violence of Democracy Mary H. Moran 200 pages | 6 x 9 | 15 illus. Cloth 2005 | ISBN 978-0-8122-3907-2 | $49.95 | £32.50 Paper 2008 | ISBN… READ MORE
Reparations to Africa Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann. With Anthony P. Lombardo 264 pages | 6 x 9 Cloth 2008 | ISBN 978-0-8122-4101-3 | $49.95 | £32.50 A volume in the Pennsylvania… READ MORE
Human Rights in the Arab World: Independent Voices Edited by Anthony Chase and Amr Hamzawy 336 pages | 6 x 9 Paper 2008 | ISBN 978-0-8122-2032-2 | $24.95 | £16.50… READ MORE
As schools and other cultural institutions prepare to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with service, ceremony, and perhaps a little sleeping in, "The Prophet Reconsidered," a book review in… READ MORE
Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa: Did the TRC Deliver? Edited by Audrey R. Chapman and Hugo van der Merwe 360 pages | 6 x 9 | 7 illus. Cloth… READ MORE
American Ethnologist calls Female Circumcision: Multicultural Perspectives, edited by Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf, "a provocative book, clearly written for both general and scholarly audiences" and "a respectful dialog that yet presses… READ MORE