Rob Cardillo, photographer for Chanticleer: A Pleasure Garden, recently shared some advice on capturing the wonder of garden spaces with Charlotte Kidd of the National Garden Association. These tips appear in in Kidd's In My Garden blog.
1. Know your camera. Even the tiniest of point-and-shoot is capable of so much — but you must read the manual (even though it's three times the size of the camera!).
2. Look at light. Learn how it moves, see its subtleties, moods, meanings. Understand how to translate light's qualities through the lens.
3. Always experiment. Digital photography has erased the cost factor of film. Play, play, and play. Make images that ask questions, show relationships rather than objects, and just delight you.
Read more about Cardillo's creative processes, as well as the work of Chanticleer author Adrian Higgins, at the National Garden Association web site,