World Refugee Day is an event created by United Nations General Assembly resolution as an expression of solidarity with refugees and those who offer aid to them.
While today, June 20th, is the seventh official UN World Refugee Day, the plight of displaced people has a much longer history. Many Penn Press titles and series focus on human rights issues and the aftermath of political conflict. From Dr. Ruth Westheimer’s personal recollections of leaving her parents in Germany for the safety of Switzerland, to JoAnn
D’Alisera’s ethnography of Sierra Leonean Muslims living in greater
Washington, D.C. our books offer a multi-faceted chronical of the challenges facing refugees and asylum seekers around the world during much of its troubled recent past. Here is a list of titles that present the human side of the statistics and hopefully provide some historic insight to guide refugees and their advocates toward viable solutions.
Guatemalans in the Aftermath of Violence, Stolen, Kristi Anne
Exile and Return Among the East Timorese, Wise, Amanda
The Future of Kurdistan in Iraq, Brendan O’Leary, John McGarry, and Khaled Salih, Editors
Landscape of Hope and Despair, Peteet, Julie
Youthscapes: The Popular, the National, the Global, Sunaina Maira and Elisabeth Soep, Editors. Foreword by George Lipsitz
Exile and Return: Predicaments of Palestinians and Jews, Lesch, Ann M. and Ian S. Lustick, Editors
Musically Speaking, Westheimer, Dr. Ruth K.
An Imagined Geography, D’Alisera, JoAnn