A New Nation of Goods–Now in Paperback

A New Nation of Goods: The Material Culture of Early America
David Jaffee
424 pages | 7 x 10 | 10 color, 107 b/w illus.
Paper 2011 | ISBN 978-0-8122-2200-5 | $27.50 | £18.00
A volume in the Early American Studies series

Winner of the 2011 Fred Kniffen Book Prize of the Pioneer America Society

A New Nation of Goods"A New Nation of Goods has much to recommend it. Interdisciplinary, the work leverages a wealth of sources, from probate inventories and census records to patent applications and auction catalogs. It . . . asks us to reconsider many of our long-standing assumptions about the diffusion of culture in rural communities and the relative pace and influence of market activity."–Journal of the Early Republic

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