As the year winds down to a close, we thought we'd take a look back on 2014's award winners. Each year, many Penn Press books are recognized as leading works in their respective fields. Here are the books that were selected for awards and honorable mentions in 2014.
2014 Prizes and Honorable Mentions
A New World of Labour: The Development of Plantation Slavery in the British Atlantic, by Simon P. Newman—Winner of the BAAS Book Prize, awarded by the British Association for American Studies
Clan Cleansing in Somalia: The Ruinous Legacy of 1991, by Lidwien Kapteijns—Finalist for the Bethwell A. Ogot Book Prize, awarded by the African Studies Association.
Daughters of Parvati: Women and Madness in Contemporary India, by Sara Pinto—Winner of the Eileen Basker Memorial Prize, awarded by the Society for Medical Anthropology division of the American Anthropological Association.
Empires of Love: Europe, Asia, and the Making of Early Modern Identity, by Carmen Nocentelli—Winner of the Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies, awarded by the Modern Language Association; Winner of the Roland H. Bainton Book Prize in Literature, awarded by the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference.
Ethnography After Antiquity: Foreign Lands and Peoples in Byzantine Literature, by Anthony Kaldellis—Shortlisted for the Runciman Award, awarded by the Anglo-Hellenic League.
How Governors Built the Modern American Presidency, by Saladin M. Ambar—Winner of the Robert C. and Virginia L. Williamson Prize in Social Sciences, awarded each year for the highest quality, most innovative and substantial work of scholarship by a social science faculty member in the College of Arts and Sciences at Lehigh University.
Locked In, Locked Out: Gated Communities in a Puerto Rican City, by Zaire Zenit Dinzey-Flores—Winner of the Robert E. Park Award for best book in Community and Urban Sociology, awarded by the American Sociological Association.
The Mixed Multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement, 1755–1816, by Paweł Maciejko—Winner of the Jordan Schnitzer Book Award in Modern Jewish History, awarded by the Association for Jewish Studies.
Top Down: The Ford Foundation, Black Power, and the Reinvention of Racial Liberalism, by Karen Ferguson—Selected for honorable mention for the Robert K. Martin Prize for Best Book, awarded by the Canadian Association for American Studies.
True Relations: Reading, Literature, and Evidence in Seventeenth-Century England, by Frances E. Dolan—Winner of the John Ben Snow Prize, awarded by the North American Conference on British Studies for the best book by a North American scholar in any field of British Studies dealing with the period from the Middle Ages through the eighteenth century.
Sunbelt Capitalism: Phoenix and the Transformation of American Politics, by Elizabeth Shermer—Selected as a finalist for the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians' First Book Prize.
Unearthed: The Landscapes of Hargreaves Associates, by Karen M’Closkey: Winner ofthe John Brinckerhoff Jackson Prize, awarded by the Foundation for Landscape Studies.