For a chance to see book history in the making, reserve a seat at this year's Rosenbach Lectures.
The A.S.W. Rosenbach Lectures in Bibliography have been the basis for many great Penn Press titles on the history of the book, including by Forms and Meanings: Texts, Performances, and Audiences from Codex to Computer by Roger Chartier, Ways of Writing: The Practice and Politics of Text-Making in Seventeenth-Century New England by David D. Hall, and a forthcoming exploration of France's literature of libel by Robert Darnton.
In this year's Rosenbach Lecture series, Michael Warner of Yale University will discuss "The Evangelical Public Sphere." The first lecture will be given tonight at 5:30 p.m. in the Rosenwald Gallery of the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center here on the University of Pennsylvania Campus. The next lectures are scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on March 25, and 26. Reservations are required. Please visit the Penn Library website or call 215-898-7088 for more information.