Proposals should include the following:
Brief Description
In a paragraph or two, summarize the content of the book and its main argument(s) or thesis. This is your “elevator-ride” description: it should aim to explain briefly, including to educated nonspecialists, what the book is about, and emphasize its highlights.
Full Description
In one to two pages, articulate more substantially the purpose, thesis, approach, and general plan of the book. What key questions or problems does the proposed book address or answer? How will your book contribute to the literature of its field, and in what way is it distinctive?
Proposed Chapter Outline
Provide a list of planned chapters, including proposed chapter titles and a brief paragraph describing the contents of each chapter. Please indicate whether any of the material has been published previously. If the proposal is for an edited collection, please include brief abstracts of each contribution.
Author Information
Provide a brief biography, including your current title and affiliation, previous books, and any other publications or experience relevant to your qualifications for writing this book. Include your most recent CV or resume.
Give us your sense of the audience for this book. Is it for nonspecialist, general readers; and if so, on what basis? Is it for scholars? If so, in which fields and subfields? Is it for students? If so, in which courses, at what level, and how will it be used (i.e., as a supplementary or main text)?
Comparable Books
Please list a few of the books with which your book is comparable, including title, author, publisher, and year of publication. Include a brief statement outlining how your book differs.
Additional Information and Specifications
Include details on the expected length of the manuscript (in total words, including notes); number of illustrations, figures, or tables, if any; and estimated schedule for completing the manuscript. Please let us know if the book has been submitted to other presses.
Potential Peer Readers
List of possible expert readers, with an email address for contacting them. Please note their qualifications and previous association with you, if any.
Additional Materials
If sample material is available—whether a draft chapter or other writing sample—please include this as well. Do not send the entire manuscript unless specifically requested to do so.