
Journal Information

  • ISSN: 0018-7895
  • eISSN: 1544-399X
  • Frequency: Quarterly


The Huntington Library Quarterly is a peer-reviewed academic journal featuring original research and new perspectives on the early modern period. The HLQ seeks submissions from scholars of early modern literature, history, material culture, art history, and related fields, with a special interest in research that is broadly legible across disciplines.

*Although the journal encourages submissions that draw on the rich early modern resources of The Huntington’s Library, Art, and Botanical collections, the location of research or source material has no influence on publication decisions.*

The HLQ publishes four types of essays:

  1. Research Articles (standard monographic essays based on original research, usually 8,000 – 10,000 words, including notes)
  2. Sources (short critical editions of previously unpublished textual or visual sources, translated into English when applicable, with a full critical apparatus and interpretive intervention)
  3. Review Essays (commissioned state-of-the-field and methodological essays, usually 3,000 – 5,000 words)
  4. Early/Modern Connections (interventions that explicitly link original early modern research to public humanities and the public interest)

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