Submission Guidelines and Style Guide
The editors of the Jewish Quarterly Review invite scholars to submit original research for consideration. We publish select essays on all periods and topics in the field of Jewish studies, and welcome diverse approaches. Contributions should reflect this wide readership, communicating relevance to the field as a whole and offering the necessary framing for educated nonspecialists, while meeting a high standard of scholarly excellence.
We do not currently publish book reviews or conference proceedings. Special forums and review essays are solicited by invitation only.
To submit an essay, visit
We do not accept submissions by mail or by email. For questions, please contact JQR staff, at
Most submitted essays will be sent out for evaluation by means of double-blind peer review. We aim to deliver a decision (accept, revise and resubmit, or reject) within twelve weeks of submission.
Please follow these guidelines in preparing your submission:
- Delete all references to the author and other identifying information from headers, text, and footnotes. If you cite your own work, do so neutrally in the third person. Personal acknowledgements can sometimes indirectly identify you, so delete these as well. (We anonymize document metadata, but if your name or other identifying information appears in the text we will send it back to you.)
- Please submit your essay in both .docx and .pdf formats.
- Submit essays in English only. All foreign-language quotations should be translated.
- Limit length to 12,000 words overall.
- Number all pages and double-space both text and footnotes in Times New Roman 12-point font. Do not justify the right margin.
- Images, maps, tables, and other figures may be embedded in the manuscript document rather than sent separately.
- Along with your essay, you will be asked to submit:
- An abstract of approximately 250 words summarizing the topic, argument, and approach of your essay. This will be shared with reviewers.
- A set of keywords indicating central figures, movements, events, texts, and/or concepts in the essay.
- By submitting a manuscript to JQR the author certifies that the essay has not appeared in any other publication in whole or in part, in English or in another language; and that it is not currently under review with another publication.
In the event of acceptance:
- Contributors will be asked to edit for compliance with JQR house style, which generally follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. More specialized style information, including detailed instructions for citation and transliteration, is in the JQR style guide.
- Contributors will be responsible for providing high resolution files of any images and obtaining all necessary permissions at their expense.
To submit, click this link which takes you to our online peer review submission system, You will need to create a Scholastica account if you have not done so already.
Please contact Adrienne Atkins ( with questions or technical issues.
Does your institution require Open Access?
While its most recent issues currently require a subscription, JQR does facilitate open access in two ways:
Green open access:
JQR authors may post the Author’s Accepted Manuscript (AAM) online in select noncommercial places. The AAM is the version of the text that has been through peer review and edited internally by the JQR team, but that has not been copyedited or typeset. Authors may post the AAM on their personal websites, on noncommercial discipline-specific servers of preprints or postprints, and within noncommercial digital repositories of nonprofit institutions with which they are currently affiliated (such as university repositories). The AAM may not be posted on commercial sites such as Academia or LinkedIn.
To support the ongoing success of the journal, we encourage authors to post a link to the published version on Project MUSE.
Gold open access:
It is possible to make the published article fully open access on Project MUSE for a fee. Authors with open access mandates who are based in select countries may qualify for a fee waiver; this applies to countries designated as Group A or Group B by Research4Life (
This information is adapted from the Penn Press website. Please see their page to learn more: Authors interested in open access, particularly those with open access mandates, are encouraged to contact the journal manager Adrienne Atkins (