Philippe Met
Review Editor
Scott Francis
Editorial Committee
Kevin Brownlee (Emeritus)
Joan DeJean (Emerita)
Lance Donaldson-Evans (Emeritus)
Scott Francis
Andrea Goulet
Philippe Met
Gerald Prince
Michèle Richman (Emerita)
External Editorial Committee
Dudley Andrew |
Warren Motte |
David Bell |
Carol Murphy |
André Benhaïm |
Nick Nesbitt |
Michel-André Bossy |
Nicholas Paige |
Dominique Fisher |
Jean-Louis Pautrot |
Pierre-Philippe Fraiture |
Maurice Samuels |
Jarrod Hayes |
Lawrence Schehr† |
Lynn Higgins |
Derek Schilling |
Denis Hollier |
Cynthia Skenazi |
Marie-Hélène Huet |
Joanna Stalnaker |
Virginia Krause |
Bruno Thibault |
Jean-Louis Leutrat† |
Éric Trudel |
John D. Lyons |
Christophe M. Wall-Romana |
Deborah McGrady |
Steven Winspur† |
Christopher Miller |
Cathy Yandell |
Armine Kotin Mortimer |
Yue Zhuo |
† Deceased
Editorial Assistant
Jacqueline Dougherty
Submission Information
French Forum is a journal of French and Francophone literature and film. It publishes articles in English and French on all periods and genres in both disciplines, and welcomes a multiplicity of approaches. Articles, prepared according to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, should be at least 4,500 words but not exceed 6,500 words (including notes and bibliography), and should be submitted electronically as attachments to frenchforum@sas.upenn.edu. Please number pages on headers or footers, and include a 200-250-word abstract. French Forum observes a “blind reading” policy; therefore authors’ names should not appear on the manuscripts.
Books submitted for review should be addressed to:
Scott Francis (Review Editor)
French Forum
Department of Romance Languages
University of Pennsylvania
521 Williams Hall
255 S. 36th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305